
Automatic news creation using the Toffed in conjunction with our WordPress content plugin.

News on the fly

This case study illustrates the power of Toffed by showcasing the ability to rapidly transform API data into consumable content.

By detaching the data and the design we’re able to rapidly change content for the end users

API Connection

We created a datasource in the Toffed using the API.  This allows us to change the raw JSON data into anything we like.

This creates custom, fresh content everyday.

News Article

We took two data points, title and description to make the article page and have other related articles show in the same page.

Category Page

We are able to use the category endpoints to display different news categories such as sports, business, technology etc.

News Source

The API has the ability to grab news from different sources such as the BBC, CNN, Bloomberg etc. By adding the endpoint into the Toffed WordPress plugin we’re able to easily show the output of the data in the format that we have created


You can even search the API using the API search functions connected to the search functions of the site.

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